Au pair à Doncaster, South Yorkshire
Référence de l’annonce : EM190803McD
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Date et durée
Date de début de séjour : dès que possible
Durée de séjour : 9 à 12 mois
Séjour en détail
Type de séjour au pair : Garde d’enfants
Enfants : Deux enfants de 7 et 10 ans
Mission : Vous devrez effectuer quelques tâches ménagères, et jouer avec les enfants au maximum
Nombre d’heures par semaine : 30h/semaine
Argent de poche/semaine : 120£/sem
Animaux : non
Famille d’accueil à Doncaster
Quelques informations sur la localisation: DONCASTER
Profil souhaité par la famille
Niveau de langue : anglais niveau moyen accepté (B1)
Permis : Non
Fumeur accepté : Non
Au pair : jeune fille ou jeune homme
La famille possède un chien. Il faut donc aimer les animaux.
La famille choisira en priorité une candidate avec le PSS – Pre-Settled Status
Informations complémentaires
La famille McD habite à Doncaster. Vous vous occuperez de Daniel et Jasmine, le matin avant l’école et vous les garderez de la fin de l’école jusqu’au retour des parents.
Vous aurez votre propre chambre spacieuse au second étage de la maison, avec un dressing, une télévision et le wifi. Vous aurez l’usage quasi exclusif de la salle de bain du second étage, bien que les enfants l’utilisent parfois.
Voici un extrait de la lettre de présentation de la famille – en VO :
We are looking to find someone who will enjoy being with our family and who can feel at home with us. Our family is very warm and caring, fun loving and lively and we are hoping to find someone who can bring the same and care for our children whilst we are at work.
We built our own house 4 years ago, which is next door to my parents so there is a lot of help and support available whilst you get to know us and the area where you will live. We have 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a downstairs cloakroom, a cinema room and a kids play room along with good sized reception rooms so there is plenty of space for everyone and easy to find some time alone if you wish.
I work full time in a town about an 45mins away as a manager at a door manufacturing factory, working Monday to Friday each week. My husband Paul is an electrician and currently works away from home, coming home for a couple of weeks at a time a few times a year.
So let me tell you about the children so you can get to know them a little. Daniel is 10 years old. He is very tall for his age (Dad is very tall too), around 1m50cm tall. He is a very loving and caring boy, full of energy and is always on the go. He has Asperger syndrome which means he has social and communication difficulties. This sounds worse than it is, as Dan is really just the same as any little boy his age but just needs a little more help with certain things. For example, if he is going to go somewhere new, he needs telling about what it is like and what he should expect before he goes to help him deal with it well and not worry about it. He needs someone who can give him clear boundaries and be firm when needed, as most children do, but also someone who can be caring and fun. He is clever and smart and funny and he is just amazing to be around and so easy to love. Dan is in year 5 at school and is doing well. He loves to read and play games on his tablet and of course play on the Xbox which is normal for 10 year olds! He loves to watch films and TV and go to the cinema and has a big interest in Lego, Minecraft and Fortnite – which he will sit a play with for hours if you let him! Dan is mature enough to be pretty independent and is a good companion and helper, although he does need reminding to brush his teeth!
Jasmine is the littlest in the family. She is just ending year 2 at school and is doing really well – she loves school. She is a ‘girly’ girl and loves anything pink or purple and sparkly. She loves to play dress up like a princess or a fairy. She loves her little dolls and the odd teddy bear and will play quite happily on her own for ages and has developed a liking for Lego and LOL dolls. Jasmine is very easy child to look after and is quite independent, loving to do things herself. Jasmine is a cute, happy, cuddly little girl who is a delight to look after. She is great company and will chatter happily away with you about anything and everything. Jasmine and Danny are very close and enjoy playing together and always have a hug before bedtime.
Our au pair needs are very simple, with Paul working away the majority of the time and with me working full time we need some help with the children and a bit of housework doing each day. I leave for work early and so we need help with getting the kids up in the morning at 7.30am , getting them breakfast and getting them ready for school. Their school is about 5 minutes walk away but they need taking each morning as they aren’t old enough to go on their own. They finish school at 3pm and so will need picking up each day and bringing home. They will then need feeding their tea and looking after until I get home. This can be between 6pm and 6.30pm most days. Generally they go to Grandma’s for tea on a Friday at 5pm and I will collect them when I get home from work. We would expect some light housework to be done
You accommodation would be your own room on the 2ndfloor of the house, where it is nice and quiet. There is WIFI Internet access all through the house which you can use. There is a walk in wardrobe for you to store your belongings so your room is free space for you. There is also a large TV in the room. There is a main bathroom that you would have the main use of although the children also use it occasionally.
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Questions fréquentes
Comment postuler à une annonce au pair ?
Pour répondre à l’annonce d’une famille d’accueil, il vous suffit de compléter le formulaire en ligne et d’indiquer la référence de l’annonce. Simple, facile et rapide ! Consultez nos annonces en ligne pour trouver la famille de vos rêves. Découvrir toutes nos annonces.
Quelles sont les conditions pour partir au pair ?
Les séjours au pair sont ouverts aux jeunes filles et aux jeunes hommes âgés de 17 à 30 ans. Une expérience de garde d’enfant est nécessaire : baby-sitting, frères et sœur, famille, expérience lors de la pratique d’une activité sportive, culturelle ou musicale. Toutes les expériences comptent !
La condition essentielle pour un séjour réussi : avoir envie de partir à l’étranger ! N’hésitez pas à vous reporter au détail de chaque destination pour de plus amples informations. Découvrir tous nos séjours.
Peut-on échanger avec une personne par téléphone ou vous rencontrer ?
Toute notre équipe est à votre entière disposition. Vous pouvez nous contacter par téléphone du lundi au vendredi de 8h30 à 19h et le samedi de 8h à 12h au 05 33 89 18 00. En dehors de ces créneaux horaires, vous pouvez nous envoyer un mail via notre page contact. Nos équipes vous répondrons rapidement.
Si vous souhaitez nous rencontrer, nous serons ravis de vous accueillir au sein de nos locaux sur rendez-vous.